Config.yml file

The config.yml file determines your sitewide configurations (except your footer). This file is located in your main folder

Please ignore the other configurations set in this file that are not mentioned below. They are included by the Isomer team for your site to work properly.

Required configuration fields


What it means


the name of your site. It can be the name of your agency, name of the microsite, etc


the production URL of your site, e.g. This option is needed for features such as Facebook sharing to work and this will also affect your SEO score on WOGAA or Lighthaus Audit.


a list of all collections on your site. Refer to the collection configuration for more details


the name of your resource room. Refer to the resource room setup for more details


the file path to the favicon that will appear on the browser window. This file must be in the .ico file format and it is usually in your /images folder

Optional Fields


What it means


the default preview image displayed on social media platforms such as Facebook and WhatsApp if you share a link to a page on your site.

Note: This image option will be overwritten if the page has its own image configuration. If left unspecified, this option defaults to the navigation bar icon. This image should be square, and have a resolution of 600x600 pixels.



set to true to enable the automatic page recommendation system. This feature is currently experimental. Defaults to false.


set to false if you would like to remove the Singapore Government lion masthead at the top of the site. Defaults to true.


set to true to enable publishing of posts dated in the future. More details can be found in the instructions for post configuration.

Sample configuration (advanced Isomer-specific configuration have been omitted):

title: Ministry of ABC
url: ""

    output: true
    output: true

resources_name: "media"
favicon: /images/favicon.ico
shareicon: /images/shareicon.png
google_analytics: UA-139339685-1

Last updated